All across Ireland I heard locals complaining about how expensive things are. But I noticed that most of the tourist attractions (as was true for this one) were only a couple of bucks to get into, our stays (aside from Dublin) weren’t overpriced, and even the gift shops we went into had, like, normal prices. I suppose it’s all relative.

I’m not sure you needed to know that, but I was staring at a blank white page and wanted to put more text down than… here’s another old castle falling apart.

Here’s another old castle falling apart.

Please take special note of the creepy wooden figures handing indoors. We saw them in most of the castles but at a certain point one starts to wonder if you photograph too many of them whether they’ll steal your soul. So I stopped.

This is the second of three castles we saw on this day (the first being Kilkenny Castle, or Cahir Castle as the itinerary is telling me).

Up next is Blarney Castle, which was a fine castle as castles go, but the grounds… 🔥