This stop was a bit of an odd one. It was part historical site (the castle and some remaining structures) and part faux town of yesteryear. To their credit, it was sometimes hard to tell which parts were original structures and which parts were fake. At one point we wandered into an old doctors office (a recreation, I believe) to find an actor whom we expected to be in strict character. Instead, he looked up from his iPhone, asked us where we were from, and started telling us about his nephew who he’d visited in Palm Desert and who is now estranged from the family for leaving Ireland. I’m not sure why he was posted up in that room, but maybe after meeting someone from Palm Desert his soul was finally able to rest and move on to the next life. As ghosts go, he was very pleasant.

Again, a few galleries…

Bunratty Castle

The first castle we saw on this trip had a “Murder Hole”, which seemed unique but by the 5th one we were over the novelty and had started judging castles by their murder holes. How quickly we jade.

Everything Else

Neither of us would put this place down as a must-see on a trip to Ireland, but it was a pleasant leg stretch midway through the drive. The food and tea we had at their eatery was actually pretty good but I either didn’t take pictures or they didn’t make the cut when I was trimming our roll down to a slim 536 photos. I wish I was making that number up and I wish it was the before number, but it’s not.

We had one truly notable stop after this and then we’re done. Be sure to tip your waitress. On to the Cliffs of Moher.