The big attraction here is the Ring of Kerry, which will be the topic of the next post. This is just going to be a quick look at the town and the place we stayed.

Loch Lein Country House

The Loch Lein Country House had a hell of a view and a very friendly staff who would make sure you got a key from them if you were going to be out past 11:00, a charming trait albeit somewhat reminiscent of your Jewish mother making sure you take a sweater. They had a little bar (pictured somewhere below) with local whiskeys that were very good… unless you don’t like whiskey in which case they were just awful. The shot with the two chairs was from our room.


This town, while still small, felt bigger than the ones before it despite having all the usual trappings. Although the first night we were there, local 11th graders had apparently just finished some exams and they were out in DROVES dressed like prostitutes celebrating. It was very uncomfortable for everyone, except the bouncer I watched boot a handful of them from his pub. That was as good as some of the traditional Irish music we saw performed. Nothing like a bouncer who knows how to toss the local riffraff.

I’m not sure those photos are worth looking at… except for the adorable roundabout in one of the photos. See if you can spot it! (Which is what I think the civil engineers were thinking when they painted it in)

Next up, the Ring of Kerry.

Categories: Ireland 2024